How a Medical Review Officer Can Help You

How a Medical Review Officer Can Help You
By Jeff Weigang
A medical review Officer has the ability to help you in a variety of ways. Their services will allow you to hand off as little or as much of the drug testing program as you desire. This will make it easier for you to focus on other aspects of running your business.
Conduct Drug Testing
A medical review officer will be able to conduct all of the drug test review on your behalf. The main benefit to this is that you will have a third-party handling everything. It ensures that you are not tampering with any of the results in order to make yourself (or your employees) look better than they are.
You also have other things to do with your time. You don't have the time conduct drug testing on all of your employees, especially if you have a large payroll. By working with an MRO, they will conduct everything on your behalf. They will simply provide you with the results so that you can take the necessary action.
Investigate Results
In some instances, an employee will test positive for drugs and in fact, be drug-free. This is when you need a medical review officer to investigate the results. This might involve interviewing the employee to find out what has been going on with them. It may be that they were prescribed medication from the doctor and one of the active ingredients was strong enough to trigger a positive result.
The importance of investigating is that you want to be fair to all employees. Particularly when someone says that they are not on drugs, you want to give them the benefit of the doubt. You also don't want to lose good employees simply because you didn't bother to investigate the results of a positive drug test. Since you need to be an impartial party, having a third-party will allow you to remain compliant.
Manage the Program
A medical review officer can actually manage the entire program for you. This includes running the tests, determining the randomization, as well as filing all of the necessary reports with the DOT. The benefit to this is that you are compliant at all times. Another benefit is that it will be less for you to worry about. You may not be an expert in this area and therefore it's best to allow a professional to do it. You can then focus on other areas of your business.
Often, you need a professional "gatekeeper" to keep track of what's going on with regards to drug testing. A medical review officer is a licensed physician and will be able to review laboratory results, conduct the necessary investigations, and maintain confidentiality with all of the drug testing information that is submitted to them.
Security and integrity are an important aspect of the collection and verification process. A medical review officer will need to familiarize themselves with all of the DOT regulations, just as you will need to do the same. The assistance they can provide is significant, so it's best to take the time to find the right MRO.
FleetScreen medical review officer's are certified by the American Association of Medical Review Officers (AAMRO).
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