Top 5 Ways to Treat Dull Skin

With the growing age, we become so much busy in our monotonous life that we stop taking care of our diet and lifestyle which leads to unhealthy dull skin. Your body's largest and fastest growing organ is skin and it is very important to protect it, which becomes very difficult in our hectic schedule. Dreams of having a glowing skin can be achieved with the help of following treatments-

Treating the skin with lemon

Lemons are antioxidants that prevents early aging and has anti-inflammatory benefits. It can remove tanning on your face and its intake can make your skin look more revived and rejuvenated. Intake of a glass of lemon juice in the morning will remove all the toxins present in your body and the black heads or dark spots on the skin can be removed by rubbing lemon peel on your face.

Tamarind massage

Tamarind has antioxidants properties and is also rich in vitamin B and C, which removes the impurities of your skin and will give you a clear glowing skin. Massaging the tamarind pulp on your face will restores it beauty and will make it look silky and smooth.

Honey mix with Sugar/ Lemon/ Aloe Vera massage

Honey is full of antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which when mixed with lemon will help you to get free from unwanted hairs. Honey mixed with the sugar will remove all the damaged cells and will give a glowing effect to your skin. Applying aloe vera gel mixed with honey will remove the dullness of the skin and will refresh it.

Coconut Oil massage

A daily massage of coconut oil on your face will improves its appearance and health. Coconut oil is rich in nutrients which will keep your skin moisturized and will make it look lively and hydrated always. Mixing 2tbsp. of coconut oil and honey together and applying it on the face will heals the damaged skin thereby making it soft and shining.

Orange and Cucumber mixture

Oranges are rich in antioxidants and cucumber keeps the skin well hydrated, when mixed in equal proportion with rice flour will exploits your skin. Applying cucumber juice every night will lighten the dark spots and applying grated cucumber will make your skin looks revived. Powdered orange mixed with cucumber juice will remove dullness from the skin giving it a glowing effect.

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Women, whose age lies between 25-59, above treatments along with the healthy diet will removes the dulness from the skin and will make it look flawless and fresh.

By []Swati D Banerjee
Article Source: [] Top 5 Ways to Treat Dull Skin


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